Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm it!

I was tagged by my friend, Jessica. This is my first time to be tagged.....I'm excited!

Okay, here are the rules:

1. Choose the 4th picture folder on my computer

2. Choose the 4th picture

3. Explain the picture

4. Tag 4 people to do the same

*Disclaimer* Obviously, my computer orders my folders weirdly. What happened was when I got my new camera back in January, my computer started putting those folders first. Anyways...

This is one of the first times that I took pictures with my new camera (like I mentioned) back in January. I took the boys outside to play so I could play ;-) I remember Will was too busy to model(as usual)because he was preoccupied with his playing. When I said his name he turned around and looked at me as I snapped. This is what I got. I absolutely adore this picture because it captures his boyhood, even babyhood, so perfectly. This is sooo Will. Always into something and it often is dirt. I love it because he hasn't lost his baby look yet and is just perfectly adorable, dirt and all!

There are no words to describe how much I love my beautiful little boy!

I tag Jennifer, Emily Hutton, Lacey, and Lisa.

Who knows who still reads this, but we shall see!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have no idea what "tag" means. Help us old folks out with just a little less computer talk. GiGi